Hamish Malcolm
I was devastated to learn this morning that a friend of mine has passed away. Hamish Malcolm died of cardiac arrest a week short of his 26th birthday. I came to know Hamish this year as a friend, and occasionally rival, within the Political Interest Society. Hamish was a passionate lefty who believed strongly in justice and tolerance, but always managed to keep a sense of humour, often richly sarcastic. Having spent most of his life in Britain, that was where his heart lied, although he was rapidly becoming an honourary Australian after settling in Melbourne to continue studying. Hamish had a significant on-line presence. You can read his blog Omission of Mercy as well as his lively blogger profile . Here is the email recieved from the Melbourne University Debating Society explaining of Hamish's death and the events to celebrate his life: Dear VCs Cuppers, MUDS has recently received some very sad news regarding one of our members, Hamish Malcolm, who you may have met, chatted...