TasGov - Who's Next?

Now that Governor Richard Butler is no longer, and neither Butler nor the people of Tasmania seem particularly disappointed at this outcome, the search is on for the next Queen's Rep in the state of Tassie. The ABC's PM this evening carried a great quote from eminant Taswiegan, RSL Prez Ian Kennett, that in regards to selecting Butler's successor: "They've looked outside the square and it hasn't worked... maybe they need to look inside the triangle now." Boom boom.

It seems like Premier Paul Lennon might be struggling for names, so here are a few suggestions:

1. Peter Hudson. We know what they'd do if Jesus came to Hawthorn, but what would happen if one of the greatest ever goal-kickers headed home to Tasmania?

2. Bob Brown. Just to get the guy out of the Senate and away from the balance of power where he might do some real harm. Think of it as a containment strategy.

3. Greg Barns. Ex-Liberal, now part time Democrat, professional Tasmanian, and with a lot of time on his hands.

4. Honey Bacon. A fitting tribute to her late husband Jim, and dammit, you've just got to love the name.

5. Reggie from Big Brother. At least there was more democracy in the selection of Big Brother evictees than there is in the selection of the Governor.

6. Brian Harradine. An elder statesman with a lot of respect from all sides who would bring dignity and gravitas to the job. (No punchline, that one's serious).

7. Kofi Annan. A man who's more Butler than Butler himself.

UPDATE: 12:55am Thursday, 12/8 - Thanks to Crikey for running this piece in its entirity in its Wednesday e-mail out. No thanks for the lack of attribution though!

UPDATE: 11:15pm Saturday, 14/8 - Now the Tasmanian Times, a fine on-line rag, have jumped on the bandwagon and are also running my work without attribution, and are giving the credit to Crikey - check it out under the heading "Tha Pale Shadow of Machiavelli... and the Governor Book"

UPDATE: 10:30pm Sunday, 15/8 - Thanks to the Tasmanian Times for giving credit for the above piece. All power to TT, a fitting rival to the cosy Rupert monopoly on the Apple Isle.

UPDATE: 11:40pm Tuesday, 17/8 - All clear with crikey(.com.au). Acknowledgement for using the cute little piece above is now on the website. Now, was it really worth the struggle?


urban creature said…
I started reading that article on Crikey just now (I'm not a subscriber) and thought to myself, 'hey I've read that before...'

It's a pity they didn't acknowledge you.

It's a good piece though.

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