Exams etc
Apologies for the lack of posts of late. Exams have been keeping me busy, and this will continue until they finish on 17 November.
In the meantime, check out the ridiculous looking model who was staring out at me from the cover of Vogue Australia in the check-out queue at Coles this afternoon (so that's why they call it a check out):

This odd looking thing bears a striking resemblence to a space alien, whatever they happen to look like. Perhaps this is Neptune's entrant in the Miss Universe contest.
In the meantime, check out the ridiculous looking model who was staring out at me from the cover of Vogue Australia in the check-out queue at Coles this afternoon (so that's why they call it a check out):

This odd looking thing bears a striking resemblence to a space alien, whatever they happen to look like. Perhaps this is Neptune's entrant in the Miss Universe contest.
Her face looks a bit like Barbie's. It looks like one yank and it would pop off revealing that little round knob above the neck on a doll.
Rather than a lets just criticise/debate female's apperance to death in the way that the majority of the society(myself on occasion too) tend too.
Either way good luck with the exams!
Yeash, that's jsut too extereme and unrealistic. Scary even.
Good luck with Exams A.
Nice pic Ari. I can't see the problem with the model, although it does look like she has missed a couple of meals.
Suffering as I do from being an extremely skinny bastard, perhaps this poor lass has the same problem I have in that she might not be able to gain weight despite her best efforts.
Having said that, it looks as though she might not have eaten since Christmas 2001...
Stop reading shite magazines Ari. I love the way you had to justify your connection. I was reading the stories... I was in the supermarket... I swear I wasn't looking for porn... ;)