Can conspicuous consumption save the news business?
It’s a dire time for the news industry. Readers are flooding
to social media for content, advertisers are moving with them and costs are
being cut at a brutal rate in a desperate bid to meet falling revenue.
It is increasingly clear that business models that depend on
amassing large audiences in order to provide a forum for advertising will
always struggle against the “niche of one” audience that social media platforms
can provide for advertisers.
There’s been lots of talk lately about ways to fund public
interest journalism. One idea is to tax the online aggregators – Facebook and
Google, primarily – that sell advertising against the news content of others to
support news organisations. Another is to make news subscriptions or donations
to its producers tax deductible.
Both ideas are worth considering, but they do not abrogate
the need for news organisations to seek better ways to draw revenue from
(It is alarming that discussion of efforts to build a
sustainable future for journalism seem reluctant to take this approach. Media Watch
devoted a recent episode to “ask what can be done to save” public interest
journalism without considering revenue from consumers, while a fine piece in The
Monthly also had this blind spot.)
The bottom line is that news producers need to find a way to
persuade consumers to part with their cash in order to access content.
As the Irish joke goes, if we are heading there we wouldn’t
want to start from here.
Two decades of free content has conditioned readers to believe
they are entitled to access news without charge. Decent offerings from public
broadcasters means there is always a solid alternative pipeline of free
content. And social media platforms now own the relationship with many
consumers, fostering a loyalty to itself as a conduit but creating a disloyalty
to any single news outlet.
To succeed, news publishers will need to rethink the
relationship they have with consumers.
A few weeks back the Reuters Institute for the Study of
Journalism released its Digital
News Report, a survey on the state of the industry. While the whole survey
is interesting, one question in particular grabbed my attention.
The survey was keen to find out why
people choose to subscribe to an online news service. Here’s what it found:
But it is the options the survey didn’t offer that may be a
key to making news commercially viable again.
It didn’t ask people if they subscribe because of how an
outlet makes them feel about themselves. Or because of how subscribing to an
outlet will shape the way other people think of them.
We all know that a news outlet offers a world view through
which it interprets events, and overwhelmingly its consumers share that world
view. (Few of us like having our world view challenged, although in my
experience it is kinda fun.)
But what if readers are not just choosing their news outlet
because it reflects how they see the world, but because it reflects how they
see themselves? In other words, people’s choice of news outlet is an extension
of their personal identity, so that readers think of themselves as a “Daily
Tele type” or a “Fin Review type” or a “Guardian type”.
Think of the way people buy other consumer goods, like cars.
All perform the basic function of transport, and while there may be subtle
performance differences between different models, many users have little
awareness. Instead in large part a car choice is a manifestation
of the buyer’s personal identity, whether you opt for a Mercedes to
indicate a commitment to style, a Holden to indicate down-to-earth simplicity
or a Volvo to indicate a commitment to family.
People are making consumption choices because of how it
makes them feel about themselves and because of how other people perceive them.
(The consumption-choice-as-personality-signifier is a well-worn trope of
popular psychology, as this search can
News outlets have enormous brand equity built up in their
mastheads. Most of us develop an affection for a masthead that goes beyond an
intellectual engagement to become an emotional attachment. Inevitably we also
form judgements about other people based on where they get their news. Think of
how you perceive someone when you find out they get their news from The Spectator compared to someone else who
heads to Junkee.
But this is where we get to the problem faced by the news
industry. The consumption is not particularly conspicuous. The decision to
subscribe or not subscribe to a particular news outlet is essentially a private
matter between me and the publisher.
No one else will have the least clue where I get my news
from, if anywhere at all. Which is great if I am concerned about privacy. But
it is no good at all if I’m looking to consume conspicuously and signal to the
world the kind of person I am. Sure, I can choose to share individual items of
content through social media platforms, but in those cases my social media
followers are more likely to infer things about me from the substance of the
content than from its source.
So how about this. News outlets need to find a way to let
subscribers show off their status as subscribers. There’s an analogue example
of this on the streets of Melbourne right now. Spend an hour or two in
Melbourne traffic and you’re bound to see a Triple
R bumper sticker on a car (or bike!), showing off the driver’s status as a subscriber to
probably the best community radio station in the country. Why do people choose
to put the sticker on the window? It seems pretty clear that it signals to the
world that the person behind the wheel identifies with the indie culture
celebrated by the station.
![]() |
Source: Twitter/@BikesRRR |
What does this look like in a digital era? Hard to know for
sure, but perhaps the social media platforms that are so much of the problem
for the news industry could be part of the solution. What if there was a
discrete space within a profile that allowed a user to list their outlets to
which they subscribe? News publishers might even be able to offer a tick of
authenticity to prevent fraud. Or what if every time a person shared a piece of
news content on social media the platform vouched for the sharer’s status as a
A relatively simple step like this could turn a private act
of consumption into a conspicuous one. (It would also have the effect of outing
non-payers as news freeloaders, creating a sense of shame around consuming
without paying that is so far absent.)
News outlets would also need to rethink the way they market
their product to subscribers. Rather than luring people based on the functional
qualities of the product (breaking news, quality writers, etc) they could lure
them based on the ability to attach themselves to the personality of the
masthead. In other words, this would allow publishers to unlock some of the
brand equity.
Will it work? Maybe. Maybe not. But in an era where online
cents are failing to replace lost print dollars, news outlets need to get
smarter about how they attract revenue. Current strategies are not working, so
perhaps it’s time to try something new.
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شركة المنارة تقدم افضل عمل ومضرب علي المكافحه الحشرات وفريق عمل ومميز شركة المنارة لي رش المبيادات ورشق انمل البيض ول مكافحه الحشرات شركتنا تتميز عن بقي اشركه في ازي جات تعمل صيانا لي االمنزل فقوم علي زر التصال علي شركة المناره
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