Prahran: It don't mean a thing if you don't get that swing
So after all that, nothing much has changed. With close to 75% of the vote now counted, the swing to the Liberals in Prahran ( on a two party preferred count ) is just 0.5% compared to the state-wide swing of 2%. The primary votes suggest that there was very little movement amongst voters between 2002 and 2006, with small swings to the Greens (1.5%), Family First (1.2%, off a base of 0) and the Liberals (0.7%), whilst the ALP had a small swing against it (0.4%), with the absense of a Democrat and Indepedent ( Abraham Lincoln! ) explaining the rest. Given the resources that were poured into this campaign by the major parties, how do we explain the lack of movement? Most likely, voters were not particularly attuned to the local battle, and shared the statewide apathy with the election campaign. As Bracks candidly confessed early in the campaign, "They aren't out there with baseball bats ready to get us." It's worth noting that the Liberals were victorious on primary...